Yun-Jou Chang


Yun-Jou Chang is Executive Director of Cinevolution Media Arts Society, a grassroots women-led, migrant-run film and media organization dedicated to promoting independent art practice, interdisciplinary art forms and critical discourse on the complexities of cultural encounters and diasporic identities. Rooted in grassroots organizing, with a background in literature and social sciences, she situates her work at the intersection of art and community, and is drawn to stories that challenge, complicate and illuminate our relationship to society and to one another. As a cultural producer, Yun-Jou seeks to amplify alternative voices and experimental forms in storytelling and new media. She has been deeply involved in shaping mentorship, capacity-building, and community engagement initiatives both in and out of the arts sector since 2006. Yun-Jou is currently chair of the Richmond Intercultural Advisory Committee and the Independent Media Art Alliance, a member-driven non-profit national organization working to advance and strengthen the media arts community in Canada.